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Product Image (EA-389-CEI)

Clinical Middle Ear Analyzer

Clinical Middle Ear Analyzer R 36 M Manufactured By Conxport

Product Image (CA-0-CEI)

ConXport Touch Screen Bio Chemistry Analyzer

Touch Screen Bio Chemistry Analyzer offered works on windows based operating user-friendly interface and can deliver analysis method through options of kinetics, fixed time, Endpoint, 2 point end absorbance. Also comes with the optical support of 340, 405, 450, 505, 546, 578, 630 nm.

Product Image (HA-02-CEI)

ConXport Fully Automatic Hematology Analyzer

Fully Automatic Hematology analyzer (Double Single Chamber) for blood count. Using the principle of electrical resistance for counting SFT Method for HGB. Accurate Reliable result using digital filtering, blood cell overlap calibration dual way high-pressure cleaning, to avoid aperture clocking

Product Image (HA-03-CEI)


White blood cells, Red blood cells, and platelets are counted using the direct impedance method with coincidence correction. Automatic floating discriminators separate the cell populations based on complex and accurate algorithms. The Intensity of the electronic pulse from each analyzed cell is proportional to the cell volume.

Product Image (CA-04-CEI)

ConXport Bio-Chemistry Analyzer

The Bio-Chemistry Analyzer is mainly used for the quantitative analysis of the clinical bio-chemical items; it applies the Lamber- law: A=kbc=lg(i0/i).


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